About me
Hi 👋 My name is Emma. I am an autistic and queer writer, performer and arts advocate. I live and work on the unceded land of the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people in Kamberri (Canberra), Australia.
My first novel, ‘Now that I see you’, was the winner of the Australian/Vogel Literary Award in 2021. I recently completed my second novel with funding support from artsACT and am currently developing an interdisciplinary live performance work that combines my writing and performance practices. In 2024, I was a resident artist at The Street Theatre and undertook graduate study in screen writing with the support of Screen Canberra.
I write freelance about the arts, mental illness, gender and sexuality for a number of publications, particularly HerCanberra and RiotACT. Before this, I edited and wrote for Leiden, and in 2017 we published ‘Building a Conscious Wardrobe (and other fun things)’, a book championing conscious consumerism.
I love teaching and speaking about writing and creative practice as well as supporting other artists in the development of their work.
In addition to my own creative practice, I am engaged in a number of arts advocacy roles:
- I'm the Chair of MARION;
- a board member of the Stellar Company;
- a member of the Minister’s Creative Council;
- a mentor for the Audrey Fagan Board Program; and
- an ambassador of the ACT Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge.
I am also an arts worker, supporting:
I hold a Bachelors of Medical Science from the Australian National University.

Comments and mentions
City News, Arts diary - Resident Street Announcement, 7 May 2024
HerCanberra, How I Got Here: writer, author and arts advocate Emma Batchelor, 12 June 2023
HerCanberra, Five events you can’t miss at the 2022 Canberra Writers Festival, 7 July 2022
Michelle Potter…on dancing, Writing Dancing, 13 March, 2022
HerCanberra, Fashion, but make it sustainable: A Canberra Girl’s Guide, 12th August 2021